At Supply Crew, we appreciate the importance of retail uniforms for your company’s branding, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction. As such, we design, produce, and distribute custom retail wear for retailers of all sizes, prioritising your workers’ comfort and safety. 

We’ve optimised our processes to be intuitive from start to finish, ensuring you have a seamless experience. Whether you’re a small local or internationally recognised retailer, we’ll customise your order to meet your needs. 

Additionally, we work with retailers to ensure the uniforms employees wear encapsulate their brands and stand out from the crowd. Retailers can work with our experienced uniform designers to create truly unique uniforms. If you’re looking for inspiration, browse our uniforms board.

What To Makes Us Different 

  • Competitive Wholesale Pricing – Our uniforms are competitively priced with a lot of savings when buying in bulk. 

  • Personalised Customer-Centric Services For All Customers – Whether you’re a large retail chain or a local specialised retailer, we offer personalised services with a keen interest in meeting your needs. 

  • We’re A One-Stop Shop For All Of Your Uniform Needs And Accessories – Whether you’re looking for shirts, skirts, trousers, or branded accessories, we are your go-to vendor for all your branded uniform needs. 

  • Quality Uniforms – We don’t skimp on quality. Our range of uniforms is designed to withstand the wear and tear expected in the retail environment. 

  • Experienced Designers – We have a team of experienced designers you can work with to create the perfect uniforms representing your brand for your retail shop. 

We Offer Products At A Wide Price Range To Suit Different Budgets – We work with retailers to develop the best uniform for their budget. With numerous options available at different prices, you can trust us to supply uniforms that suit your budget 

  • We Offer Customised Uniform Production Runs Based On Your Needs – You do not have to overstock on uniforms. We can produce the exact number of pieces you need

  • We Focus On Incorporating Your Branding – We appreciate that your employees are the face of your brand. When they wear your uniform, they’re part and parcel of your brand. As such, we work to ensure the uniforms are on brand. 

  • We’re Ever Conscious About Your Employee Safety And Comfort – The uniform not only needs to work for your brand, but it must also tick the safety and comfort boxes.

Experts In Retail Uniform

Supply Crew has worked with supermarkets, fast food outlets, food retailers, specialty stores, department stores, liquor retail stores, and much more. We are experts in creating unique retail uniforms for local and national retailers looking to stand out.

Our experience creating uniforms for retailers gives us an edge in understanding what works well for retailers. In an era where there are tons of competition from other vendors, be it other brick-and-mortar retailers or online stores, we believe it’s important for your employees to stand out while being on brand. 

We work with our customers to develop a complete uniform range that’s not only interesting and unique but also has a strong connection with your brand. You can trust us to create uniforms with a colour palate and spot details that match your brand. Going for a generic look will not cut it in today's business world of stiff competition.  

Why You Need Retail Uniforms 

One of the most important reasons for wearing uniforms is to enhance your company’s brand. Consistency in employee appearance can help create a positive impression about your brand, which, in turn, helps attract and retain your customers.

Uniforms also infuse an aura of competence in your retail store. For instance, uniforms allow customers to identify your employees easily. This makes your retail store more accommodating while enhancing the customer experience considerably.

Uniforms eliminate the headache of creating and enforcing a dress code. In a world of expressive fashion, enforcing a dress code can be a tricky and time-consuming endeavour. Uniforms standardise what employees wear, negating the hassle of enforcing dress codes for your employees.

Other benefits of investing in employee uniforms in retail stores include enhancing security and ensuring consistency in the employee dress code.

How Our Retail Uniforms Can Help Your Business

From the onset of our company, we’ve focused on helping retailers enjoy the benefits of investing in uniforms for their customers. Whether you’re looking to infuse consistency in employee dress wear or enhance your in-store branding, our retail uniforms will help you achieve your goals.

With online shopping taking the world by storm, it is important to keep customers walking into your retail shop by offering stellar services and customer experience. Employee dressing is part of the experience you provide your store patrons. Dressing your employee team in quality on-brand uniforms will set your store apart from the rest.